We Provide Best Services

Management Support

Management Support

While an entity is faced with the need of making regulatory compliance in the forms of audits and tax issues, the operation of the business in fact is not just confined to these two states. In order to make sure the business grasps the rightful opportunity on time, it needs to stand in a ready-to-go position. For that the other support services look inevitable. We at KJ are aware about these requirements and address the issues undermentioned in relation to business support.

a. Start-ups : We see startups as bundle of potential waiting to be unfolded. We always believe in partnering with the client and build innovations. We provide critical, trusted counsel to early stage startups. Your startup is the product of all your hard work and we help you to nourish your business idea to grow your startup into a successful organization.

b. Borrower's Advisory : The access to banking is no doubt a convenient factor these days. A business has to borrow money only because it aims high. It's perfectly normal for a business unit to be in debt and borrowing money to make more money is never a bad idea. Our team of borrowing advisor help you prepare all forms of documentation required by the banks and provide suggestions and various forms of reports ranging from working capital loans to project financing. Our role is to help your business find the finance you deserve. We provide remote consulting for the same as well.

c. Strategic Consulting : Both strategy and finance are imperative for the health of any business so we believe in creating a blend between strategy and finance. Our strategy experts have gained their momentum because they have to deal with a variety of firms or units across a variety of industries. We believe the strategy consulting is direct part of our management support services. We emphasize and focus on the intellectual curiosity of our client and address with expertise.

Merger & Acquisitions

Merger & Acquisitions

Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) are the acts of consolidating businesses or assets with the objective of stimulating growth, obtaining competitive advantage and increasing the market share. Succeeding at mergers and acquisition is not as easy as it seems and therefore requires thoughtful consideration from the business ends. Besides the M&A has become a regular phenomenon in the Nepalese business scenario since quite a time be it of the banking and financial institutions or any other forms of business merger. Our team of M&A consulting have had demonstrated experience of Business Valuation, Pre-merger Advisory as well as Due Diligence addressing various issues as demanded.

Audit and Assurance

Audit and Assurance

Our experience in this area includes three different levels of service.

1. Outsourced Accounting

2. General Business Review 

3. An audit of financial statements.

We provide reports on financial forecasts and projections, compliance with regulatory requirements in customized reports as well as prescribed reporting formats.

1. Outsourced Accounting : We believe a good accounting framework is the pillar of long term sustenance for any organization. However if you are having any problems preparing your financial statements and reporting structure of accounts and therefore seek help from us, be it monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually, we stand firm to receive the data you supply and create financial statements and desired reporting structure that will meet the accounting standards as well as extended management expectations. A little investment of time and resources will streamline the regular accounting in due course once we are appointed as the compilers of your financial statements. 

2. General Business review : In any case of third party demand in relation to your business, our team can come up with a general business review which necessarily may not be the check of your internal controls but rather a form of assurance about the accuracy of your financial reports projected as well as provisional that do not necessitate fully audited statements.

3. Audits : Your financial statements are accurate and true for your purpose. It may not necessarily be accurate and fair for various stakeholders like bank, creditors, investors or various government agencies itself. They may want a separate opinion on the truthfulness of the reports you submit. Our audits do not just take you to numbers but offer wide analysis of your operations, management and offer value additions suited to your organizational need. We leave no stones unturned to ensure our services delivery is at the desired level that demands due professional care, persistence and ethical practice. However, your management and the board remains primarily responsible for the data and information contained in the financial statements.

Risk Advisory

When you are in business, risks are inevitable. It does not exist in a vacuum. It exists parallel to any opportunity we have, the risk that we may lose the opportunity. KJ provides a wide range of services designed to help organizations understand their unique thresholds of risk and limit the risk to an acceptably low level through timely recognition and management of risks. Our services include:

1. Risk Based Internal Audit

2. Conventional Internal Audit

3. Enterprise Risk Assessment

4. Compliance Review

5. Performance Audit

6. FDI Consulting

7. Revenue Audit